Monday, September 11, 2006

September 11: Five Years On...

September 11, 2001
(Image from Wikipedia)

This image may seem premature to those of you across the Pacific in America, but the date 9/11 comes early for us living in Korea. In memory of those who died, Gypsy Scholar now falls silent and gives voice to Amba, a New Yorker:
What I'll remember, this and every September 11 and a lot of times when it's not September 11, is the taste of ashes, bitter and burning. And the downtown-dwelling psychologist at our health club who told us in those first days that his wife had dreamt of a man sitting on their couch, covered in ashes. "I know I'm dead," he said. "I just need to rest here a little before I go on."


At 11:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will be traveling to Washington DC tomorrow, Sept. 11 as I have business through Thursday. I will be very mindful of the five-year anniversary and be in constant prayer for those who lost their lives in NYC, Pennsylvania and Washginton on Sept. 11, 2001, and all those who have given the ultimate sacrifice in Afghanistan and Iran in the past five years and counting.



At 12:17 PM, Blogger Horace Jeffery Hodges said...

Take care on your flight, Pat.

I've no doubt that flying on the fifth anniversary of 9/11 will focus your mind on all that has passed since that day.

I'll be thinking of you.

Jeffery Hodges

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At 12:36 PM, Blogger jj mollo said...

Someone close to me has a birthday on the 11th. It is a sad day I share with her. A day of defeat. We should have done better at preventing it, but we showed great strength in dealing with it, and we will never again go like sheep.

That field near Pittsburgh, PA, is more hopeful.

At 1:09 PM, Blogger Horace Jeffery Hodges said...

JJ, I plan to see the DVD of Flight 93 this week and experience that hopefulness.

Jeffery Hodges

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At 12:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's hard to believe it has been five years since 9/11. Thinking about Sara, a flight attendant I knew from Batesville, who died on Flight 11.


At 12:27 AM, Blogger Jessica said...

The stories from survivors of 9/11 continue to amaze me. May we all find the strength to remember and to go on.

At 4:02 AM, Blogger Horace Jeffery Hodges said...

Tim, I had no idea that you knew someone who died in the 9/11 attacks.

I'm sorry to hear this. Was she a close friend?

Jeffery Hodges

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At 4:04 AM, Blogger Horace Jeffery Hodges said...

Jessica, I suspect that we'll all have to remember and keep going on for a long, long time.

Jeffery Hodges

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At 7:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know Sara's father well and knew Sara when she was in her teens and early 20s. She was an intelligent and beautiful person who deserved better than her tragic end.


At 9:30 AM, Blogger Horace Jeffery Hodges said...

Thanks, Tim, for the details.

Jeffery Hodges

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At 11:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It certainly has been a rough day for me trying my best to get around to as many tributes or rememberances I can. I see you have had a visitor or maybe he's a friend that knew Sara Low. I did my best to give an honorable tribute to her. Take care of yourself and God Bless.

At 12:16 PM, Blogger Horace Jeffery Hodges said...

Thanks, Gunz, for the tribute to Sara Low on your blog.

The visitor who left a message saying that he knew Sara was my brother Tim, the one whom I mentioned on your blog.

Thanks for visiting.

Jeffery Hodges

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